Friday, September 12, 2008


Thanks to everyone who came to my party and celebrating with me. Thank you for the many gifts and all the love you have shown me.

GG and Big Bro give a gift.

Crazy kidd from across the street (dont know who let him in) > The Schous came as well, I LOVE THEM!

Big Brother even put on a hat for the party.

Me and Uncle Bruce



Abels said...

Wow, I can't believe he is one!! We just don't get to see you guys enough I guess. Looks like the party was fun and Justin has lots of people around who love him so!

The Burkes said...

Oh my...soooo much birthday fun! He's such a honey! Happy 1st birthday Justin! (you made it Mommy!)

The Kirkland's said...

yaahh...Happy Birthday Justin..looks like he had such a good time. I can't believe he is already one...Time flys!!

Jeremy and Lacy said...

Can't believe that he is one! Blows my mind! He is precious! Looks like it was a fun day of celebrating. Wish we could have been there to help celebrate! I love his football cake..too cute!

Barnhouse Family said...

Happy Birthday Justin! Did it just fly by?! Elijah is 5 months old and I don't know where the time has gone. We have a blog too. Hopefully we can keep up as our families continue to grow!