Tuesday, October 9, 2007

5 Weeks Old

Today Justin turned 5 weeks old, so guess what we did to celebrate? We had our first outing at Wal-mart...just the two of us! Fun...huh?!?! And of course I had to dress him up for the occasion. Jason and I are having a blast getting to know our little man. One thing's for sure...he's already spoiled rotten!!! I want to thank everyone who has given me such great advice over the past several weeks...without each of you, I'd be totally lost!


Anonymous said...

He is so cute!!! He looks like a little man in that outfit :) Enjoy your days now at the store of actually accomplishing what you need to!! Once they start walking and realizing everything that is at their fingertips, and figure out that they can make you come close to losing your mind as you walk through the store...you will leave him with daddy and go alone :) Enjoy it now! Haha! Wouldn't trade motherhood for anything though :)

Carolyn said...

He is so adorable!!!!

Dustin and Candice said...

Awww I love that outfit!

The Kirkland's said...

How adorable. I bet ya'll had a great time on your first outing. He is so precious, I want to come see him soon. I miss you guys. We get to find out what we are having November 20th. I can't wait.

Jeremy and Lacy said...

I just love him! He is so handsome! He is looking more and more like himself and less like a newborn everyday!